Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Beseech me, my prince!

It has been said,
 That some don't know what love is
Well, "My heart will not rest until, I can have thee"
Because I know with you, true loves bliss
For, I feel you in my heart
I feel you my in my soul
I see you in my dreams at night


But, I haven't you yet, to hold
When I reach for you
You leave me for another
 This dream in my head
Drives my spirit mad
 Consciously,  I await
For that " one day" to arrive


That you shall appear
In front of me,
Saying I love you, " Xena "
Subconsciously, my mind drifts away
From these thoughts
As I have stopped searching
Until, my Prince has come for me
As when "our " love is meant to be..


For that time to come,
For you to take me by my hand
To lead me with yours
As a Prince shall do
To carry his Princess
Beyond this life
To his palace, to his chamber
To places,
She's never been

 I'm Smiling...

Because you leave me, my love
Breathlessly speechless
Opening my eyes, I see you
For beautiful possibilities to come
Which lifts my spirit
As it soothes my soul to peace
Back to where it all began
As day one.


 I patiently wait in this journey for you..
As my conscious mind
Starts to develop
 Thoughts start to "fade away"
Subconsciously within my spirit
My soul and heart never fades
 But my thoughts runs wild
Afraid of loosing you.


 Of you, during the intervening hours,
Drive me crazy.
When I think your almost close
My spirit calls out to you
"My Prince come unto me" 
As I think your real close
The appearance of your being
Appears before me
As your voice whispers
" Xena, I love you "

 My Prince...

I stand in Awe, almost frozed
 For in my dreams you fade away
" My Prince, no please don't go"
Then instantly it appears to be,
 Utter insanity to have such thoughts
 As my spirit revives my soul back to reality..
It gives me strength
To do the seemingly impossible

 To " hope one day "

As your love gives me hope
When there appears to be none
As I call out to thee
Almist the wind of thy spirits
 Whispering your name, back
" ____" I love you
 Throughout thy universe
I hear you call out
Unto me, my love, my Prince

 As I Am
Praying to God....

 You shall find and beseech me
Without thy lust..
But, to be that of a true heavenly love
Sent from God above
As I, your one and only love
To have and hold as
Your Princess, for your everything to be
Within this life, to the next
Beseech me, O'love
Beseech me!

Friday, July 25, 2014



Flooded with questions
In my thoughts
With no answers
In my submersion

Who am I really?
A poet of inspiration
Or aspersion?
Because I’m filled with
Both hope and hate
Or am I just shaped by their merging?

Hope and hate
Equal forces just shaped
In different versions
How am I am a combination of opposites
A being of both morals and perversions

How can I know who I am?
If I’m always in the midst of conversions
Being in between
And at the seams
Between restarts
And reversions

So why the aversion?
I question inwardly
But I seem to be drowning
In the question

I guess I’m just a person
Shaped by experiences
And diversions,
Little wonder
I feel like a different person
I am an in-between
In a immersion

I’m who I was
I was who I’ll be
And if I never find out
Who I really am
May be it’s because
I’ve left you all my self inversions