Monday, August 25, 2014



Redundant frivolities
Very demeaning cavalier attitude
The regalia of deceit
Adorning and misleading
Ignorant minds

Measured fealty
Emblazoning hope’s chamber
Moonlight thrust in eclipse
Darkening the light

In gyration to the beat
From the drums of insecurity
We dance
Adroitly swinging our hips
Dancing in varied steps of crisis symphony

Trivializing the priorities
And prioritizing the trivialities
In appraisal, we approach
The ‘roaches’ with reproach,
In this decadent web of deceit
Involving, treacherous cowardice
Only we is to blame
For the outcome of this insane game



In just a fraction of a second
All this, went into something amazing


Two people;
In the throes of a choice
On the precipice of commitment

Hearts beating faster
Body heat climbing
Endocrine functions
Out of control

Momentary pause…

One final glance into each other’s eyes
The brain and eyes closes
To further reasoning
All sensory perceptions
Are put on high alert

The lips slide into lock mode
Soft, warm undulating paroxysms
Of labial passion
What finer madness is there?
This is it… A kiss



Your tears are paintings
Full of wisdom
Flowing beautifully
Like calligraphy
From your eyes of acrylic
Oiled on minds and hearts

So don’t be afraid to spill it
With your palette of integrity

I had not the slightest idea
That I’d ever envision
Your visual power
For the scene of your vision
Is so Idyllic

I wish I were a colour on your canvas
Trapped forever
With your fixative of selflessness

It’s no wonder your words are brushstrokes
Your heart, a canvass to imprint it
And actualize it to reality

That’s why
I wish I were every stroke
In your textured lines of bliss  

And not the rejected paint that drips
From your brush of motherhood

Because you’re
An element of elegance and eloquence
An armature of admiration and aspiration
An intensity of integrity and importance
Imprinted on the line of honesty and hope

My Mum
My Artist
Your form of faith and favour
Would forever be my strength and armour

I love you dearly
You are a model of dignity
Shaping my dreams evenly
To reach it’s highest peak

You’re the tripod on which my world stands!



The old story goes
That when we die our soul soars
And ascends to the heavens above
But who really knows?

What is my soul,
My spirit, essence, energy, aura or glow?
Where is my soul
When I’m alive?...
I really don’t know

Because it’s supposedly there
Before we die
And like a fire, it’s said
That our souls burn inside
It’s seen in our heart and eyes

Scientifically and theoretically
Was my soul there at day 21
When my heart started beating
With regulation
Or when my ecto-, endo-, and mesoderm
Started their primitive migration?
Or when my synctiontropoblast invaded
During implantation?

Was my soul there at the first division?
The very start of differentiation
Because if you believe a soul is placed
There upon conception’s congregation

Then that’s to say you believe a soul
Is the product on an acrosome’s penetration
The culmination of a spermatocyte
Causing the zone pellucid depolarization

So is there a soul in a sex cell,
That’s haploid before our chromosomes’ combination?
Because even the novel sequences of the DNA
That makes us have known configurations
Ribose sugars, a nucleic acid
Chained helix and some phosphorylation
And those are each composed of known atoms
In different orientations

Is our soul there,
In the empty spaces between our atom’s nucleus,
And orbital rotations?
If our soul has energy then must it not have mass
That takes up some space in physical manifestation?
Or is it aura, a light of a massless glow
That emits from within us like radiation?

Is our soul really just the fact,
That we are aware and have come to higher realization,
A figment of our imagination,
Designed uniquely for the thought of self preservation?

But why then, when we are angry,
Our minds sense so much frustration?
And when we are happy
It’s our whole body that feels elation?
In sadness our entire essence is struck
In an act of desperation
And in love it is our entire being
That craves more of that sensation

You see
We don’t know what most of the universe is comprised of
But we still all see the beauty of its creation
That’s why even though we may never find
The soul inside us
I still hope your soul is my soul’s destination