Friday, January 10, 2014

Baddest bitch paranoia

These days females are obsessed with being the "Baddest Bitch." I turned on the television to a reality TV show on dstv, and I saw women arguing, battling, and competing about who was the "Baddest Bitch." I clicked on facebook the other day and there was a women venting, saying she needed to be the "Baddest Bitch" because that's what the guys preferred at her school and in her neighborhood. Maheeda and Cossy striving to surpass one another in their nudity craze. Miley Cyrus ambitious to be the hustler in hollywood. Little wonder Liam dumped her.

But I've got news for you: Real men are not looking for a woman whose aspirations are to become the "Baddest Bitch." Laying down with the "Baddest Bitch" will get you the worst kind of fleas. Real men want women with aspirations of becoming the greatest Queen. Women who strive to become the "Baddest Dog" will only attract the reflection of themselves: another Dog. Ladies, worry about becoming the best "you", defer your gratification for a few years, step outside of your comfort zone, expand your mind, and I promise you will not have to seek happiness in a man who will never appreciate you because he doesn't love himself. You will enjoy more decades of happiness because of the relatively small investment you made in yourself, and you will love yourself for it. When you love yourself, you never have to settle. And if you happen to be a beautiful queen "WITH" the substance to go behind it, than even better.

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