Saturday, December 28, 2013

My mind is my room- I'm decluttering. (Tips for you too)

My mind and room have one things in common, they both need to be cleared and decluttered, just like my 'email' inbox. I am in my room and it is cluttered with toys, clothes, bags and books with extra things all over the place, it is chaos and my mind is frenetic.

I've been simple about things for years now,not bothering to check myself. I've gotten pretty good at it, but I've found that you have to keep coming back to revisit your clutter every once in awhile.

Here are my top decluttering tips for your mind:

- Don't think constantly: thinking constantly would get you stuck, instead do the most important thing for the day, if not you would be constantly distracted and unable to focus on easy tasks ahead of you.

- Make a decision- don't just keep on hacking your mind vault for no reason, determine what needs to be done about each situation or experience. Do not put it off, if you wait you might end up with a backlog of thoughts to respond to and may never get around to it. Be responsive and on top of things.

- Be on the watch- do not think negatively, feed on the positive, think like you've got a million dollar mind(because that's what you've got). Reflect deeply on the positive angle because you don't know when an inspiration might filter in and you don't want it redirecting itself to your spam folder. Tag it, save it and archive.

- Dispose it (Trash)- Conquering an entire closet or room can be overwhelming, and you might put it off forever. If that's the case, just do it in baby steps. Make aside couple of hours to do it. You may need to create a system to stop clutter from accumulating this coming year. Ahh...finally, empty inbox!!!

Like my room, there's a reason I have tall stacks of papers all over the place, and big piles of books and clothes. It's because I don't have a regular system to keep things in their place, and get rid of stuff I don't need.

This is a topic for another day.

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