Monday, December 30, 2013

10 things the year 2013 has taught me- most of these I learnt the hard way

1. Some people have already made up their mind to hate you, no matter how much you try to please them.
2. Never preach to a depressed person.
3. Think wisely before you act.
4. Your lecturers really want to help you succeed.
5. Some people aren't aware of their faults unless you tell them.
6. To be mature has to do with your experiences on earth.
7. Familiarity breeds contempt.
8. Sew your clothes as soon as you notice a little tear..
9. When you fall, the world doesn't wait for you to pick yourself back up. Forgive yourself.
10..Your academic intelligence, degrees and credentials doesn't make you a smart person. Some people might not remember your actions but they would never forget how those things you did or say made them feel.
GOODBYE 2013...I hope I don't fall back on my mistakes again. (I don't want to have to re-write this post in 2014)

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