Monday, December 30, 2013

Studying law? like seriously?

I would say that I was ignorant about the law and all its 'orobo' children. In my opinion, studying law because you enjoy arguing and convert this odd hobby into a career in law represents a fundamental misunderstanding of law school and the legal profession. Law is not about arguing; it's about arguments. The difference between the two may seem subtle, but in reality, they are miles apart. Law school is for calm people, not wild heads. Most people garner their argumentative power from the loudness of their voice, irrelevant conclusion and anecdotes but law is like that. We call that poetic justice. Instead of encouraging argumentative kids to become lawyers and further perpetuate the myth that people who argue should become lawyers, we should call them what the really are: Assholes! ITK!

The very first day of law class: it was one of the longest day of my life. I had like five classes scheduled at over five hours. The annoying part of it was the expectations; I didn't know what the next class would bring, so the time moved at a snail's speed. But part of it was just how boring law school classes are. It is a miracle that I had to keep returning to class.

The WASPy dad from Legally Blonde must have been right; "Law really is for ugly, serious, and boring people."

When I was a fresher, my classmates would occasionally have battle of wits and would make arguments like they knew it all. All I could think of was, "Christ, they actually believe in this stuff."

When one of my lecturers who is a SAN at one of the big firms told us that his desire was in "making an impact," In my mind I immediately had a bizarre image of a truck crashing down on me. I just couldn't get the hype surrounding the issue of the law as being this end-all-be-all concept.

I would resume school next two weeks and I would be taking an exam that was put off because of the asuu strike, it is going to be sort of a bulimic method of exam taking. I binge up all those legalese and then purge it all over my exam papers.

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